Participation certificates

  Name Affiliation Country Participation
PDF Acosta, Gabriel Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina Workshop speaker
PDF Acosta-Humanez, Primitivo Universidad del Atlántico Colombia Workshop speaker
PDF Actis, Marcelo Instituto de Matemática Aplicada del Litoral (CONICET-UNL) Argentina Participant
PDF Agnelli, Juan Pablo Universidad Nacional de Córdoba and CONICET Argentina Poster presentation, Participant
PDF Aguirre, Pablo Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María Chile Workshop speaker
PDF Almansa, Andrés CNRS LTCI / Telecom ParisTech France Workshop speaker
PDF Amelunxen, Dennis City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Workshop speaker, Participant
PDF Amigo, Isabel Universidad de la República Uruguay Participant
PDF Anni, Samuele University of Warwick United Kingdom Participant
PDF Arias Michel, Rafael Guillermo Universidad Católica "Nuestra Señora de la Asunción" & Universidad Nacional de Asunción Paraguay Participant
PDF Armentano, Diego Universidad de la República Uruguay Workshop speaker
PDF Arreche, Carlos E. North Carolina State University United States of America Workshop speaker, Participant
PDF Atakishiyev, Natig Instituto de Matemáticas, Unidad Cuernavaca, UNAM Mexico Workshop speaker
PDF Ayala, José UNAP Chile Workshop speaker
PDF Azaïs, Jean-Marc Université de Toulouse France Participant
PDF Balogh, Jozsef University of Illiniois at Urbana-Champaign United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Balzano, Laura University of Michigan United States of America Poster presentation
PDF Baratchart, Laurent INRIA Sophia-Antipolis France Workshop speaker
PDF Barone, Salvador Georgia Institute of Technology United States of America Participant
PDF Bartlett, Peter UC Berkeley and QUT Australia Workshop speaker
PDF Bastidas Olaya, Jose Universidad de los Andes Colombia Poster presentation, Participant
PDF Basu, Amitabh Johns Hopkins Univeristy United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Basu, Saugata Purdue University United States of America Workshop organizer
PDF Bauer, Ulrich TU München Germany Workshop speaker
PDF Bayer, Christian Weierstrass Institute, Berlin Germany Workshop speaker
PDF Belkin, Mikhail Ohio State University United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Beltrán, Carlos Universidad de Cantabria Spain Plenary speaker, Workshop organizer
PDF Bentancur, Leandro Facultad de Ciencias Uruguay Participant
PDF Bertalmío, Marcelo Universitat Pompeu Fabra Spain Workshop speaker
PDF Binev, Peter University of South Carolina United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Blázquez Sanz, David Universidad Nacional de Colombia Colombia Workshop speaker, Participant
PDF Blekherman, Grigoriy Georgia Tech United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Bogart, Tristram Universidad de los Andes Colombia Participant
PDF Bogfjellmo, Geir Norwegian University of Science and Technology Norway Workshop speaker
PDF Bonito, Andrea Texas A&M University United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Borba, Domingo Instituto de Profesores Artigas Uruguay Participant
PDF Borda, Nicolás Depto. de Matemática (FCE), Universidad Nacional de La Plata - CONICET Argentina Poster presentation, Participant
PDF Bordenave, Charles University of Toulouse & CNRS France Workshop speaker
PDF Bornemann, Folkmar Technische Universität München Germany Workshop speaker
PDF Borthagaray, Juan Pablo Departamento de Matemática, Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina Participant
PDF Bortolussi, Noelia Belén Universidad Nacional de San Luis Argentina Participant
PDF Bostan, Alin INRIA France Workshop speaker
PDF Bou-Rabee, Nawaf Rutgers United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Bourel, Mathias IMERL - Universidad de la República Uruguay Participant
PDF Bracciali, Cleonice UNESP - Universidade Estadual Paulista Brazil Workshop speaker
PDF Bruin, Nils Simon Fraser University Canada Workshop speaker
PDF Buades, Antonio Universitat Illes Balears Spain Workshop speaker
PDF Buffa, Annalisa IMATI CNR Italy Plenary speaker, Workshop organizer
PDF Burton, Benjamin The University of Queensland Australia Workshop speaker
PDF Busca, Anamilla Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina Participant
PDF Bustamante, Sebastián Universidad de Chile Chile Poster presentation
PDF Cabrelli, Carlos Univ. of Buenos Aires and IMAS-CONICET Argentina Workshop speaker
PDF Caflisch, Russel UCLA United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Camelo Gomez, Sergio Armando Universidad de los Andes Colombia Poster presentation, Participant
PDF Camporino, Maximiliano Javier Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina Poster presentation, Participant
PDF Campos, Victor ParGO - Universidade Federal do Ceará - UFC Brazil Workshop speaker
PDF Carrasco, Federico Cmat/Udelar Uruguay Participant
PDF Carvalho, Marcelo Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul Brazil Workshop speaker
PDF Castro, Sebastián IMERL / FING / UDELAR Uruguay Participant
PDF Castro Smirnova, Mirta M. University of Seville Spain Workshop speaker
PDF Celledoni, Elena NTNU Norway Workshop organizer
PDF Cerny, Michal Department of Econometrics, Faculty of Computer Science, University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic Czech Republic Participant
PDF Chara, María de los Angeles Instituto de Matemática Aplicada del Litoral Argentina Participant
PDF Chazal, Frédéric INRIA Saclay France Workshop speaker, Participant
PDF Chicco Ruiz, Aníbal Leonardo UNL - IMAL - CONICET Argentina Poster presentation
PDF Christiansen, Snorre Harald Department of Mathematics / University of Oslo Norway Workshop speaker
PDF Clarkson, Peter School of Mathematics, Statistics & Actuarial Science/University of Kent, Canterbury, UK Great Britain Workshop organizer
PDF Cohen, Albert Université Pierre et Marie Curie France Workshop speaker
PDF Colman, Hellen Wright College, Chicago United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Cools, Ronald Dept. of Computer Science, KU Leuven Belgium Participant
PDF Couto Pimentel Ramos, Alberto Gil University of Cambridge United Kingdom Participant
PDF Cox, David Amherst College United States of America Plenary speaker
PDF Coxon, Nicholas INRIA Nancy France Participant
PDF Cremona, John University of Warwick United Kingdom Plenary speaker
PDF Cucker, Felipe City University of Hong Kong Hong Kong Workshop organizer
PDF Curry, Charles NTNU Trondheim Norway Workshop speaker
PDF Curtis, Frank E. Lehigh University United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Cuturi, Marco Kyoto University Japan Workshop speaker
PDF Cyranka, Jacek Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, University of Warsaw Poland Workshop speaker
PDF D'Alfonso, Lisi Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina Workshop speaker
PDF D'Andrea, Carlos Universitat de Barcelona Spain Workshop organizer
PDF Da Rosa, Silvia FING Uruguay Participant
PDF Dahmen, Wolfgang RWTH Aachen Germany Workshop speaker
PDF Daniilidis , Aris Universidad de Chile Chile Workshop speaker
PDF Davenport, Mark Georgia Institute of Technology United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Dekel, Shai GE Global Research and Tel-Aviv University Israel Workshop speaker
PDF Demlow, Alan Texas A&M University United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Di Martino, Luis Instituto de Ingenería Eléctrica / UdelaR Uruguay Participant
PDF Di Martino, Matias Universidad de la República Uruguay Participant
PDF Diaz Diaz, Mateo Universidad de los Andes Colombia Poster presentation
PDF Dick, Josef School of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of New South Wales Australia Participant
PDF Dickenstein, Alicia Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina Workshop speaker
PDF Diening, Lars LMU Munich Germany Workshop speaker
PDF Dominguez, Leandro UdelaR Uruguay Participant
PDF dos Santos, Vinicius Departamento de Computação / Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas Gerais Brazil Workshop speaker
PDF Durán, Antonio J. Universidad de Sevilla Spain Workshop speaker
PDF Durán, Guillermo Instituto de Cálculo (UBA) Argentina Workshop speaker
PDF Dyn, Nira School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel-Aviv University Israel Workshop organizer
PDF Edelman, Alan Massachusetts Institute of Technology United States of America Workshop organizer
PDF Edelsbrunner, Herbert IST Austria Austria Workshop organizer
PDF Edixhoven, Bas Universiteit Leiden Netherlands Workshop speaker
PDF Ellis, Eugenia Facultad de Ingeniería. Universidad de la República, Uruguay Participant
PDF Enge, Andreas INRIA Bordeaux-Sud-Ouest France Plenary speaker
PDF Erb, Wolfgang Institute of Mathematics / University of Lübeck Germany Poster presentation, Participant
PDF Erten, Cesim Kadir Has University Turkey Poster presentation
PDF Etchart, Martin Instituto de Ingeniería Eléctrica / Facultad de Ingeniería - UDELAR Uruguay Participant
PDF Fariello Rico, María Inés IMERL, Facultad de Ingeniería, UdelaR/Istitut Pasteur Montevideo Uruguay Participant
PDF Feller, Patricia UdelaR Uruguay Participant
PDF Fernandez, Javier Instituto Balseiro Argentina Workshop speaker
PDF Fernández Slezak, Florencia Instituto de Cálculo, Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina Poster presentation
PDF Ferreira Leites, Graciela Facultad de Ingeniería, Uruguay Uruguay Participant
PDF Figueiredo, Celina UFRJ Brazil Workshop speaker
PDF Fiori, Marcelo Universidad de la República Uruguay Workshop speaker
PDF Flandrin, Patrick CNRS & Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon France Workshop speaker
PDF Fornasier, Massimo Technische Universität München Germany Workshop speaker
PDF Foucart, Simon University of Georgia United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Frank, Jason Mathematical Institute, Utrecht University Netherlands Workshop speaker
PDF Gaidashev, Denis Uppsala University Sweden Workshop speaker
PDF Gameiro, Marcio University of Sao Paulo Brazil Workshop speaker
PDF García, Gerónimo Facultad de Ingeniería Uruguay Participant
PDF García Garland, Juan University of the Republic Uruguay Participant
PDF Garloff, Juergen University of Applied Sciences / HTWG Konstanz Germany Participant
PDF Garza Gaona, Luis E. Universidad de Colima Mexico Workshop speaker
PDF Gayet, Damien Institut Fourier, Grenoble 1 France Workshop speaker
PDF Gedeon, Tomas Montana State University United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Giannelli, Carlotta INdAM c/o University of Florence Italy Workshop speaker
PDF Giles, Mike University of Oxford United Kingdom Workshop organizer, Workshop speaker
PDF Gimenez, Juliana ICMC - Universidade de São Paulo Brazil Participant
PDF Gnewuch, Michael Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel Germany Workshop speaker
PDF Gobet, Emmanuel Ecole Polytechnique France Workshop speaker
PDF Golden, Kenneth University of Utah Department of Mathematics United States of America Participant
PDF Gómez Larrañaga, José Carlos CIMAT Mexico Participant
PDF González Olmedo, Mario Universidad de la República Uruguay Participant
PDF Grandine, Thomas The Boeing Company United States of America Plenary speaker
PDF Griewank, Andreas Humboldt University Germany Workshop speaker
PDF Grippo, Luciano Norberto Instituto de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento Argentina Workshop speaker
PDF Grompone, Raffaele CMLA, ENS Cachan France Participant
PDF Gross, Elizabeth San José State University United States of America Poster presentation
PDF Haji Ali, Abdul Lateef King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Saudi Arabia Workshop speaker, Participant
PDF Hangelbroek, Thomas University of Hawaii United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Hansen, Anders University of Cambridge United Kingdom Workshop speaker
PDF Hansen, Markus TU Munich Germany Participant
PDF Harbrecht, Helmut University of Basel Switzerland Workshop speaker
PDF Haskovec, Jan King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Saudi Arabia Participant
PDF Hass, Joel University of California, Davis United States of America Workshop organizer
PDF Hauenstein, Jonathan University of Notre Dame United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Hefter, Mario TU Kaiserslautern Germany Workshop speaker
PDF Heinrich, Stefan University of Kaiserslautern Germany Workshop organizer
PDF Heintz, Joos University of Buenos Aires Argentina Participant
PDF Hernández Heredero, Rafael Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Spain Workshop speaker
PDF Heuer, Norbert Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile Chile Workshop speaker
PDF Hinrichs, Aicke Johannes Kepler University Linz Austria Workshop organizer, Workshop speaker
PDF Hiraoka, Yasuaki Kyushu University Japan Workshop speaker
PDF Hirn, Matthew Ecole normale superieure France Workshop speaker
PDF Hladik, Milan Charles University, Department of Applied Mathematics Czech Republic Participant
PDF Hoel, Håkon Department of Mathematics / University of Oslo Norway Workshop speaker
PDF Hoppen, Carlos Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Brazil Workshop speaker
PDF Horn, Paul University of Denver United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Hubert, Evelyne INRIA Méditerranée France Workshop organizer
PDF Hutzenthaler, Martin University of Duisburg-Essen Germany Workshop speaker
PDF Ikenmeyer, Christian Texas A&M University United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Ilten, Nathan Simon Fraser University Canada Workshop speaker
PDF Iserles, Arieh University of Cambridge United Kingdom Plenary speaker
PDF Jamshidi, Sara Penn State University United States of America Poster presentation
PDF Jaume, Daniel Alejandro Universidad Nacional de San Luis Argentina Workshop speaker
PDF Jeffries, Kenneth University of Utah United States of America Poster presentation, Participant
PDF Jentzen, Arnulf ETH Zurich Switzerland Workshop organizer
PDF Jeronimo, Gabriela Universidad de Buenos Aires & CONICET Argentina Workshop speaker
PDF Jimenez Ramirez, Andrea Patricia University of São Paulo Brazil Workshop speaker
PDF Jin, Shi University of Wisconsin-Madison United States of America Workshop organizer
PDF Jooste, Alta University of Pretoria South Africa Poster presentation
PDF Jordaan, Kerstin University of Pretoria South Africa Workshop organizer
PDF Kaczynski, Tomasz Dept. of Mathematics, Université de Sherbrooke Canada Workshop speaker, Participant
PDF Kahle, Matthew Ohio State University United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Kahle, Thomas Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg Germany Workshop speaker
PDF Karmarkar, Narendra Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay India Workshop speaker
PDF Karp, Dmitrii Far Eastern Federal University, School of Economics and Management Russia Workshop speaker
PDF Katzman, Mordechai University of Sheffield United Kingdom Participant
PDF Kauers, Manuel Johannes Kepler University, Linz Austria Workshop speaker
PDF Kiraly, Franz Department of Statistical Science, University College London United Kingdom Workshop speaker
PDF Knopoff, Damian Alejandro Universidad Nacional de Cordoba Argentina Participant
PDF Kobilarov, Marin Johns Hopkins University United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Koehl, Patrice University of California, Davis United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu University of São Paulo Brazil Workshop organizer
PDF Kohen, Daniel IMAS-CONICET Argentina Poster presentation
PDF Koiran, Pascal Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon France Workshop speaker
PDF Kokubu, Hiroshi Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University Japan Workshop organizer
PDF Konečný, Jakub University of Edinburgh; Google Research Fellow United Kingdom Poster presentation, Participant
PDF Koutschan, Christoph RICAM / Austrian Academy of Sciences Austria Workshop speaker
PDF Kozlov, Roman Norwegian School of Economics Norway Participant
PDF Kressner, Daniel MATHICSE, EPF Lausanne Switzerland Workshop organizer, Workshop speaker
PDF Krick, Teresa Universidad de Buenos Aires & CONICET Argentina Workshop speaker
PDF Kritzer, Peter Johannes Kepler University Linz Austria Workshop speaker
PDF Kropielnicka, Karolina Institute of Mathematics, University of Gdansk Poland Workshop speaker
PDF Kuben, Jaromir Masaryk University Czech Republic Participant
PDF Kühn, Thomas Mathematical Institute / University of Leipzig Germany Workshop speaker
PDF Kunoth, Angela University of Cologne Germany Workshop organizer
PDF Kuo, Frances University of New South Wales Australia Plenary speaker, Workshop organizer
PDF Kutyniok, Gitta Technische Universität Berlin Germany Workshop speaker
PDF Labahn, George Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo Canada Workshop speaker
PDF Lago Bello, Juan Pablo UDELAR Uruguay Participant
PDF Lairez, Pierre TU Berlin Germany Poster presentation
PDF Laplagne, Santiago UBA Argentina Participant
PDF Larsson, Stig Mathematical Sciences, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Gothenburg Sweden Workshop speaker
PDF Lecumberry, Federico Universidad de la República Uruguay Participant
PDF Lema, Gabriel University Uruguay Participant
PDF Leok, Melvin University of California, San Diego United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Leövey, Hernan Humboldt University of Berlin Germany Poster presentation, Participant
PDF Lerario, Antonio Institut Camille Jordan, Lyon France Workshop speaker
PDF Lessard, Jean-Philippe Université Laval Canada Workshop speaker
PDF LeVeque, Randall University of Washington United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Leviatan, Dany Tel Aviv University Israel Workshop speaker
PDF Leyendecker, Sigrid Chair of Applied Dynamics, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg Germany Workshop speaker
PDF Leykin, Anton Georgia Tech United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Lezama, José Universidad de la República Uruguay Participant
PDF Linss, Torsten FernUni Hagen Germany Workshop speaker, Participant
PDF Locatelli, Acyr University of Bath United Kingdom Participant
PDF Lopez Ortiz, Juan Ignacio Universidad Nacional de San Luis Argentina Participant
PDF Lotz, Martin The University of Manchester United Kingdom Workshop speaker
PDF Loureiro, Ana F. University of Kent United Kingdom Workshop speaker
PDF Lucena, Euro Simón Bolívar University Venezuela Participant
PDF Lundberg, Erik Florida Atlantic University United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Lyche, Tom University of Oslo Norway Workshop organizer
PDF Ma, Yi ShanghaiTech University China Plenary speaker
PDF Maher, Joseph College of Staten Island, CUNY United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Makridakis, Charalambos University of Sussex United Kingdom Workshop speaker
PDF Malajovich, Gregorio Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Brazil
PDF Mansfield, Elizabeth University of Kent United Kingdom Workshop speaker
PDF Marcellan, Francisco Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Spain Workshop organizer
PDF Markhasin, Lev University of Stuttgart Germany Workshop speaker, Participant
PDF Marrero, Juan Carlos University of La Laguna Spain Workshop speaker
PDF Martín, Álvaro Facultad de Ingeniería / Universidad de la República Uruguay Participant
PDF Martin de Diego, David Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas Spain Workshop organizer
PDF Martinez, Diego Gabriel Universidad nacional de San Luis Argentina Participant
PDF Martinez Tagiafico, Sergio UdelaR - FING - IIE Uruguay Participant
PDF Martinez-Finkelshtein, Andrei University of Almeria Spain Plenary speaker
PDF Massierer, Maike LORIA Nancy France Participant
PDF Massobrio, Renzo CeCal, InCo, FIng, Udelar Uruguay Participant
PDF Mateos, Gonzalo University of Rochester Uruguay Participant
PDF Matsuo, Takayasu University of Tokyo Japan Workshop speaker
PDF Matusevich, Laura Texas A&M University United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Mazzoleni, María Pía Dto. de Matemática / Universidad Nacional de La Plata. CONICET Argentina Poster presentation
PDF McKay, Matthew Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hong Kong Workshop speaker
PDF Meer, Klaus Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus Germany Workshop speaker
PDF Melenk, Jens Markus Institute for Analysis and Scientific Computing, Vienna University of Technology Austria Workshop speaker
PDF Mello, Jorge Instituto de Matemática-Universidade Federal dio Rio de Janeiro Brazil Participant
PDF Menconi, Juan Manuel Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina Participant
PDF Meyer, Patrick Université de Liège Belgium Participant
PDF Michels, Dominik L. Stanford University, CS Dept. United States of America Workshop speaker, Participant
PDF Migov, Denis Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics of SB RAS Russia Poster presentation
PDF Miroslav, Kramar Rutgers University United States of America Participant
PDF Mischaikow, Konstantin Rutgers University United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Miyaji, Tomoyuki Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University Japan Workshop speaker
PDF Miyatake, Yuto The University of Tokyo Japan Participant
PDF Moitra, Ankur MIT United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Mollet, Christian University of Cologne Germany Workshop speaker, Participant
PDF Molter, Ursula FCEyN, UBA - IMAS, CONICET Argentina Workshop organizer
PDF Montans, Fernando ----- Uruguay Participant
PDF Montejano, Luis National University of Mexico at Queretaro Mexico Workshop speaker
PDF Moore, W. Frank Wake Forest University United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Moraes, Alvaro King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Saudi Arabia Participant
PDF Morin, Pedro IMAL / Universidad Nacional del Litoral and CONICET Argentina Workshop organizer, Workshop speaker
PDF Morkisz, Pawel AGH University of Science and Technology Poland Workshop speaker, Poster presentation, Participant
PDF Morozov, Dmitriy Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Mosquera, Carolina Universidad de Buenos Aires - IMAS, CONICET Argentina Poster presentation
PDF Mota, Guilherme O. USP - University of São Paulo Brazil Poster presentation
PDF Mourrain, Bernard Inria France Workshop speaker
PDF Mrozek, Marian Jagiellonian University Poland Workshop speaker
PDF Mueller-Gronbach, Thomas University of Passau Germany Workshop speaker, Participant
PDF Munthe-Kaas, Hans Z. Department of Mathematics / University of Bergen Norway Workshop speaker
PDF Musé, Pablo Universidad de la República Uruguay Workshop speaker
PDF Nadakuditi, Raj Rao University of Michigan United States of America Workshop organizer
PDF Najim, Jamal CNRS and Université Paris Est France Workshop speaker
PDF Najman, Filip University of Zagreb Croatia Participant
PDF Nesetril, Jaroslav Charles University Prague Czech Republic Workshop speaker
PDF Nesmachnow, Sergio Universidad de la República Uruguay Participant
PDF Neuenkirch, Andreas University of Mannheim Germany Workshop speaker
PDF Nikolova, Mila CMLA -- CNRS ENS-Cachan France Workshop speaker
PDF Nochetto, Ricardo Department of Mathematics and Institute for Physical Science and Technology, University of Maryland United States of America Plenary speaker, Workshop organizer
PDF Novak, Erich University of Jena Germany Workshop speaker, Participant
PDF Nowak, Maciej A. Mark Kac Complex Systems Research Center, Jagiellonian University Poland Workshop speaker
PDF Nowak, Robert University of Wisconsin-Madison United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Ober-Blöbaum, Sina Freie Universität Berlin Germany Workshop speaker
PDF Oka, Hiroe Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Ryukoku University Japan Workshop speaker
PDF Oleinik, Elena Far Eastern Federal University Russia Poster presentation, Participant
PDF Olver, Peter University of Minnesota United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Olver, Sheehan The University of Sydney Australia Participant
PDF Orabona, Francesco Yahoo Labs United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Owren, Brynjulf NTNU Norway Workshop speaker
PDF Pacetti, Ariel Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina Workshop speaker
PDF Paggi, Horacio InCo Uruguay Workshop organizer
PDF Palacios, Luis Simón Bolívar University Venezuela Participant
PDF Panario, Daniel Carleton University Canada Workshop speaker
PDF Papalardo, Cecilia IMERL / FING / UDELAR Uruguay Participant
PDF Pardo, Luis Miguel University of Cantabria Spain Workshop speaker
PDF Paredes, Marcelo Instituto de Investigaciones Matemáticas Luis A. Santaló Argentina Participant
PDF Parrilo, Pablo MIT United States of America Workshop organizer
PDF Pataki, Gabor University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Patel, Amit Institute for Advanced Study United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Patrone, Martín IIE- Fing - UdelaR Uruguay Participant
PDF Paule, Peter RISC, Johannes Kepler University Linz Austria Workshop organizer, Workshop speaker
PDF Pauletti, M. Sebastian IMAL (Instituto de Matematica Aplicada del Litoral) Argentina Poster presentation, Participant
PDF Peña, Javier Carnegie Mellon University United States of America Workshop organizer
PDF Pereira, Jesusa Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación - Instituto de Profesores Artigas Uruguay Participant
PDF Pereira, Mariana IMERL. Facultad de Ingeniería. Universidad de la República Uruguay Participant
PDF Pereyra, Ángel Facultad de Ciencias Uruguay Participant
PDF Perez Kempner, Octavio Facultad de Ingeniería - Universidad de la República Uruguay Participant
PDF Pérez Zerpa, Jorge Instituto de Estructuras y Transporte / Universidad de la República Uruguay Participant
PDF Perrucci, Daniel Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina Workshop speaker
PDF Perry, Patrick New York University United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Perthame, Benoit Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, UPMC (Paris 6) France Plenary speaker
PDF Peterson, Chris Colorado State University United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Petrovic, Sonja Illinois Institute of Technology United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Petrushev, Pencho University of South Carolina United States of America Plenary speaker
PDF Pfander, Goetz Katholische Universitaet Eichstaett Germany Workshop speaker
PDF Pflaumer, Peter TU Dortmund Germany Participant
PDF Pilarczyk, Paweł Institute of Science and Technology Austria Austria Workshop speaker
PDF Pillichshammer, Friedrich Johannes Kepler University Linz Austria Workshop speaker
PDF Piriz, Sebastián Universidad de la República Uruguay Participant
PDF Plaskota, Leszek University of Warsaw Poland Workshop speaker
PDF Ponzellini Marinelli, Luciano CIFASIS-CONICET-UNR Argentina Participant
PDF Portillo, Francisco Xavier Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México Mexico Workshop speaker
PDF Post, Sarah U. Hawaii United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Potrie, Rafael UdelaR Uruguay Participant
PDF Pottmann, Helmut King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Saudi Arabia Plenary speaker, Workshop speaker
PDF Prieto, Mariana Ines Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina Participant
PDF Puliti Lartigue, Marco Universidad Nacional de San Luis Argentina Participant
PDF Raab, Clemens DESY Germany Workshop speaker, Participant
PDF Raad, Lara Universidad de la Republica Uruguay Participant
PDF Rakhlin, Alexander University of Pennsylvania United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Rama, Gustavo Universidad de la República Uruguay Participant
PDF Rama, Jose DETEMA-Facultad de Química - UDELAR Uruguay Participant
PDF Ramirez, Hector Universidad de Chile Chile Workshop speaker
PDF Ramirez, Ignacio Universidad de la República Uruguay Participant
PDF Randall, Gregory Universidad de la República Uruguay Participant
PDF Ranestad, Kristian U niversity of Oslo Norway Workshop speaker
PDF Ranga, Alagacone UNESP - Universidade Etadual Paulista Brazil Workshop speaker, Participant
PDF Rattaro, Claudina Universidad de la Republica Uruguay Participant
PDF Recht, Benjamin University of California, Berkeley United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Reinhardt, Christian VU University Amsterdam Netherlands Workshop speaker
PDF Rey-Otero, Ives CMLA France Participant
PDF Reyes, Enrique Universidad de Santiago de Chile Chile Workshop organizer, Workshop speaker
PDF Richart, Matías Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de la República Uruguay Participant
PDF Rider, Brian Temple University United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Rieger, Christian Bonn University Germany Workshop speaker
PDF Ritzenthaler, Christophe Rennes 1 France Workshop organizer
PDF Rivero, Lía Universidad de la República Uruguay Participant
PDF Rivin, Igor Temple University United States of America Plenary speaker
PDF Robinson, Daniel Johns Hopkins University United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Rocha, Elisa Cmat - Facultad de Ciencias - UdelaR Uruguay Participant
PDF Rocha, Vinicius Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Brazil Participant
PDF Rodriguez, Rodolfo Universidad de Concepcion Chile Workshop speaker
PDF Rodriguez Hertz, Jana Universidad de la República Uruguay Participant
PDF Rodriguez Villegas, Fernando Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics Italy Workshop speaker
PDF Rojas Paredes, Andres Avelino Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina Participant
PDF Romberg, Justin Georgia Institute of Technology United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Rosasco, Lorenzo Universita' di Genova and IIT-MIT Italy Workshop organizer
PDF Rotondo, Pablo Universidad de la República Uruguay Participant
PDF Roy, Marie-Francoise IRMAR, Université de Rennes 1 France Workshop speaker
PDF Sabanis, Sotirios University of Edinburgh United Kingdom Workshop speaker
PDF Safe, Martin Instituto de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento Argentina Participant
PDF Salazar, Gelasio Instituto de Fisica. Universidad Autonoma de San Luis Potosi Mexico Workshop organizer
PDF Salgado, Cecilia UFRJ Brazil Workshop speaker
PDF Salvy, Bruno Inria France Workshop speaker
PDF Sambarino, Martin CMAT-Universidad de la República Uruguay Participant
PDF Sander, Evelyn George Mason University United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Sanhueza, Nicolás Universidad de Chile Chile Poster presentation
PDF Sanz-Serna, JM Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Spain Workshop speaker
PDF Sayas, Francisco-Javier University of Delaware United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Scarola, Cristian UNLPam - UBA Argentina Participant
PDF Schacht, Mathias Universität Hamburg Germany Workshop speaker
PDF Schehr, Grégory University of Orsay-Paris SUD France Workshop speaker
PDF Scheiblechner, Peter Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts Switzerland Workshop speaker
PDF Scheinberg, Katya Lehigh University United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Schenck, Hal Univ. Illinois United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Schneider, Reinhold TU Berlin / Institute for Mathematics Germany Plenary speaker
PDF Schost, Eric Western University Canada Workshop speaker
PDF Schwab, Christoph ETH Zürich Switzerland Workshop speaker
PDF Sellanes, Ramón UdelaR Uruguay Participant
PDF Shadrin, Alexei University of Cambridge United Kingdom Workshop speaker
PDF Shub, Michael City University of New York United States of America Plenary speaker
PDF Sickel, Winfried Institute of Mathematics, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena Germany Workshop speaker
PDF Siedlecki, Pawel University of Warsaw Poland Workshop speaker
PDF Sijsling, Jeroen Darmouth College United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Silva, Juan Pablo Facultad de Ingeniería-UdelaR Uruguay Participant
PDF Singer, Michael North Carolina State University United States of America Plenary speaker
PDF Sirolli, Nicolás Universidad de la República Uruguay Participant
PDF Sloan, Ian University of New South Wales Australia Workshop speaker
PDF Smith, Benjamin INRIA and École polytechnique France Workshop speaker
PDF Smith, Gregory Queen's University Canada Workshop organizer
PDF Sombra, Martin ICREA & Universitat de Barcelona Spain Workshop speaker
PDF Song, Myung-Sin Southern Illinois University Edwardsville United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Sorokina, Tatyana Towson University United States of America Workshop speaker, Participant
PDF Sotakova, Jana Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University Czech Republic Participant
PDF Sprechmann, Pablo New York University United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Stein, Maya University of Chile Chile Workshop speaker
PDF Steinwart, Ingo University of Stuttgart Germany Workshop speaker
PDF Stern, Ari Washington University United States of America Participant
PDF Stevenhagen, Peter Universiteit Leiden Netherlands Workshop organizer
PDF Stillman, Michael Cornell University United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Sullivant, Seth North Carolina State University United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Szanto, Agnes North Carolina State University United States of America Workshop organizer, Participant
PDF Szemeredi, Endre Renyi Institute Hungary, Rutgers University Hungary Plenary speaker
PDF Szpruch, Lukasz University of Edinburgh United Kingdom Workshop speaker
PDF Szwarcfiter, Jayme Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Brazil Workshop organizer
PDF Tagami, Daisuke Kyushu University Japan Participant
PDF Takac, Martin Lehigh University United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Teckentrup, Aretha University of Warwick United Kingdom Workshop speaker
PDF Tempone, Raúl King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Saudi Arabia Plenary speaker
PDF Tomioka, Ryota Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Tornaría, Gonzalo Universidad de la República Uruguay Workshop speaker
PDF Traversoni, Leonardo Uruguay Foreign Ministry Uruguay Poster presentation
PDF Tuitman, Jan Department of Mathematics, KU Leuven Belgium Participant
PDF Ullrich, Mario Friedrich Schiller University Jena Germany Workshop speaker
PDF Ures, Raúl IMERL - Universidad de la República Uruguay Participant
PDF Uschmajew, André Hausdorff Center / University of Bonn Germany Workshop speaker
PDF Valdettaro, Marcelo Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina Participant
PDF Van Assche, Walter Department of Mathematics, KU Leuven Belgium Workshop speaker
PDF van der Kamp, Peter La Trobe University Australia Workshop speaker
PDF van Diejen, Jan Felipe Instituto de Matemática y Física/Universidad de Talca Chile Workshop speaker
PDF van Luijk, Ronald Universiteit Leiden Netherlands Workshop speaker
PDF Velasco, Mauricio Universidad de los Andes Colombia Workshop speaker
PDF Vera, Juan Tilburg University Netherlands Workshop speaker
PDF Verde Star, Luis Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Mexico Workshop speaker
PDF Vescovo, Nicolás Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina Participant
PDF Videla Guzman, Denis Eduardo Universidad Nacional de Cordoba- FAMAF- CIEM Argentina Participant
PDF Vilanova, Pedro KAUST Saudi Arabia Poster presentation, Participant
PDF Villa, Silvia Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia & Massachusetts Institute of Technology Italy Workshop speaker
PDF Villamizar, Nelly RICAM Austrian Academy of Sciences Austria Workshop speaker
PDF Villanueva, Angel Universidad Nacional de Córdoba Argentina Participant
PDF Villar, Soledad University of Texas at Austin United States of America Poster presentation
PDF Vinet, Luc Centre de Recherches Mathématiques (CRM) / Université de Montréal Canada Workshop speaker
PDF Vinzant, Cynthia North Carolina State University United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Viola, Alfredo Universidad de la República Uruguay Workshop speaker
PDF Vohralik, Martin INRIA Paris-Rocquencrourt France Workshop speaker
PDF Vybiral, Jan Department of Mathematical Analysis, Charles University, Prague Czech Republic Workshop speaker
PDF Wagner, Hubert IST Austria Austria Workshop speaker, Participant
PDF Wagner, Uli IST Austria Austria Workshop speaker
PDF Wang, Rongrong University of British Columbia Canada Workshop speaker
PDF Wang, Yuyang Amazon United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Ward, Rachel University of Texas at Austin United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Warnes, Xavier Sebastián Universidad de Buenos Aires Argentina Poster presentation
PDF Webb, Marcus University of Cambridge United Kingdom Participant
PDF Weimar, Markus Philipps-University Marburg, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science Germany Workshop speaker, Participant
PDF Weinmueller, Ewa B. Vienna University of Technology Austria Workshop speaker
PDF Wilczak, Daniel Institute of Computer Science and Computational Mathematics, Jagiellonian University Poland Workshop speaker
PDF Wozniakowski, Henryk Columbia University, University of Warsaw United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Wright, Stephen University of Wisconsin United States of America Plenary speaker
PDF Xiu, Dongbin University of Utah United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Yaguchi, Takaharu Kobe University Japan Workshop speaker
PDF Yaroslavtseva, Larisa University of Passau Germany Workshop speaker
PDF Yattselev, Maxim Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Yu, Josephine Georgia Tech United States of America Workshop speaker
PDF Zanna, Antonella University f Bergen Norway Workshop speaker
PDF Zykin, Alexey University of French Polynesia France Workshop speaker