FoCM 2014 conference
Plenary talk
December 11, 9:30 ~ 10:25
On subset sums
Endre Szemeredi
Hungarian Academy of Science and Rutgers University , Hungary and USA -
Let $A \subset [1;N]$ be a set of integers. We denote by $S_A$ the collection of partial sums of $A$,
$$S_A =\left\{ \sum_{x\in B} x: B\subset A\right\}.$$
For a positive integer $l \le A$ we denote by $l^*A$ the collection of partial sums of $l$ elements of $A$,
$$l^*A =\left\{ \sum_{x\in B} x: B\subset A, |B|=l\right\}.$$
We will discuss the structure of $l^*A$ and give a tight bound of the size of $A$ not containing an $N$ element arithmetic progression.
Some of the results are joint with Van Vu, the others are joint work with Simao Herdade.
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